Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I think I'll start a blog.

Hi, I'm Jordan! Commonly known as J. It's easier, simpler, and what I respond to more often than to my actual name. 
I'm a lover of Jesus, all things rainbow sprinkles, sunshine, running, country music, outdoors, campfires, football, laughter, dark chocolate, popcorn (pronounced "poccorns"), coffee, carrots & celery (weird I know), animals, travel, and family. Also an IU Hoosier, adventurer, loud and lively soul, and a huge goofball if you know me at all. Most importantly, I'm a Wawrzyniak. Our family motto is, "spread the love and the cool." So that pretty much speaks for itself. 

I decided to start a blog for a few reasons

1. God has led me to. There is nothing better than sharing His goodness. 

2. Through the use of this little tool called a blog I hope to share a fresh and positive message that will encourage others.

3. Lastly, I've recently found myself wanting a creative, fun way to track and share the coming adventures and challenges God will bring to my life. My hope is that this is something that my friends and family will enjoy reading. If not, that must mean I'm an awful writer, but at least I'll have a little diary. I've always wanted one of those. ;)

Now to introduce the stars of the show. 

This guy rocks. He's truly the star of the show aka of my life. I've always been a believer, but especially in the last year and half or so He has worked so diligently in my life. Well he always has, but I've especially noticed all the growth in my relationship with Him that's been happening over the past 18ish months. Aside from the obvious that He has saved me and provides me strength and grace to keep the faith and work to fight the good fight, He has provided so many people and situations/challenges recently that have helped to transform my heart from one that just believed and tried to do the right thing, to one that is truly learning to fall in love with Him and know Him better and more personally. It is so different and so beautiful. He is making me new every day and blessing my life immensely. He continues to prepare my heart to better witness to Him and fulfill the purpose He placed me here for. I'm no expert and I certainly don't have it all figured out, but all I know is that He has it under control if I keep my heart and mind open. He is so good! 

The Fam (the love & cool spreaders)

Mom is easily my best friend. She's my number one confidant- we talk about anything and everything. I've never felt as if I have to hide anything from her. We're weird and silly in so many of the same ways, we laugh at the dumbest things together, and the older I get the more I realize how similar our brains are. I'm learning that now days it's rare for such a mother-daughter relationship to exist. As sad as that is and as much as I feel every girl's best friend should be her mom, it makes me realize how much of a blessing this really is. I swear if it wasn't weird, that girl would be maid of honor one day. Unfortunately, that's not really a thing. But this woman is magnificent nonetheless- an innovator, go getter, loving friend and family member always putting everyone before herself, and a beautiful person inside and out. She's a lover of baseball, kiddos, family, dark chocolate, rum and coke, fishing, sci-fi, and "tall nonfat no whip mochas". 

Dad is also one of my biggest supporters. He's the hardest worker I know and has a magnetic personality. EVERYONE loves Jon. Literally. I often wish I inherited that trait. One can only dream.
He's the guy that waits on everyone else, somehow knows everyone everywhere, makes up the silliest words and songs such as "dad is great, he gives us chocolate cake", and more. He can often be found either with a blow torch lighting off fireworks (even on a random Thursday in November), scheduling new family adventures to the mountains of Lake Tahoe or the jungles of Costa Rica, or sipping a beer while sweeping the pool. He constantly works to make the lives of those around him better, loves the Lord and family, values building relationships, and ultimately just rocks.  

Nick, also known as "Pickles" or "Nickle Pickle", is probably the best person I could have asked to grow up next to. Contrary to popular belief, he actually is my younger brother despite the fact that he is twice my size or that he has muscles bigger than the average 17 year old. He has a heart of gold and charm that draws people to him. He's actually funnier than I often give him credit for, protects me like it's his job (thank you), and still talks to me and asks me for advice (he actually appreciates any ounce of wisdom I may have, which is rare for a younger brother). He also tends to have random candy cravings around midnight. Everybody's got their quirks, I guess. However, he is a wonderful blessing. It blows my mind that he starts his senior year of high school today, but I am so excited to see where God will lead him in the near future.

Grandma and Grandpa are some of the cutest and funniest grandparents I know. They are proud gardeners, always bringing us fresh pickles from their garden, and board game extraordinaires, always having a new game they've learned and want to teach us. Nothing matches Gram's cooking or trendy style, and I swear I've never seen her toenails not done. Weekly pedicures are a must for her and she's the only grandma I know that owns her own handgun. Grandpa is the classic American man- he can fix anything, served as a Marine and as a policeman, and loves his Jack Daniels. He's a family man and a wonderful example. 
These two make our family what it is and hold us all together. I'm beyond grateful for them. 

I lost this beautiful soul in October of 2012 but the impact she had on my life is never lost. She set the ultimate example of selflessness, constantly giving of herself to others (both to family/friends and to people she hardly knew). She had a heart full of love and graciousness that just radiated. Her heavy Spanish accent, small frame, & salt and pepper hair just made her "Nana". I credit her for my creativity because throughout childhood she played numerous make believe games with me, turning the closet into a rocket ship or the basement into a hospital or school. She was one of my best friends, and always will be. 

There is so much that can be said about this guy, I could go on forever. God has greatly blessed me with his love and leadership. A man of God, man among men, leader among leaders, football player, hard worker, country music lover, outdoorsman, guitar player, supporter, jokester, family man and so much more. He's always up for an adventure and can make anybody laugh with his ability to imitate a wide variety of accents...some say it's like his pocket is the melting pot of the world.... Maybe that's a stretch, but he is pretty good at spontaneously taking on the different nationalities.  Finding a man that is confident in himself with a great sense of humor and that lives his life according to Christ's standard is so rare yet so beautiful. It makes a relationship so much more real than just casual dating or infatuation. He's the man. 

These are just a few of the stars of my show but there are several other awesome characters that will inevitably make numerous appearances, many of which are probably readers of this here blog. 

So here goes nothing. Your existence starts now, little blog. 

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