Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A what?

~Jeremiah 29:11~

Tomorrow I will move back to school to start my junior year. Not only am I moving back to school, but I'm moving into a...sorority. No, that was not a typo. 

If you would have asked me a year ago if I would ever join a sorority I probably would have laughed and rebuked the question with, "Absolutely not!" It was honestly the last place I thought I would find myself. 

Based on actual real life experience, I can verify that this actually is the reaction of almost every girl on bid day. 

Can you see why I was like "oh heck nah" on the idea of even going through rush? Perhaps the craziness is due to pure joy that the weirdness of rush is finally over, but either way, kinda freaky, right? 

But, here I am. About to live in one of these sororities. (Btw, I'm glad that I am now.) It's so funny yet so amazing how God can lead us to places we never thought we'd go on our own, reveal to us work to be done, and bless us greatly with fellowship and graces that come from following where He leads. 

God often calls us to things that we don't understand. Things that we wouldn't choose for ourself, things that seem difficult or unlike us. Faith put into action is when we decide to trust and persevere anyway (with the help of His grace through prayer and His Word to guide us). It's like when we are willing He swoops us up and plants us on a ledge over a big cliff and asks us to jump, resting in the promises that He will catch us. We as humans seeing all the logical ways that this could go horribly wrong (aka death, injury, etc.) cling tight to the earth like, "Uh, God, what are you doing? Is this even safe? Are you sure you can catch me? Gravity has proven to be pretty powerful..." And He's like, "Girl, I got this." 
It's normal to question, healthy even, because it causes us to call out to Him and trust that if we follow His command He will catch us, protect us, provide us with the proper resources, and restore us when we grow weary. 

There is nothing more marvelous about any biblical figure (Noah, Moses, Hosea, Abraham, etc.) than you and I, except that these people were willing to say yes to God despite the odds they were up against or the unknown territory the Lord led them to. We are all called to do His work, to open our minds & hearts to where He can lead us to do just that. The examples in Scripture serve as a challenge to us. Actually being willing to be put in vulnerable situations, identifying, and responding to that call is the constant challenge. At different times the call may be different, and it will be different for each person. We all have different strengths, we all have different gifts. God uses these differences. As strange as the call may be, if it is God-led, it. will. not. fail. 

So like I said, I never thought this sorority thing is something I would do. After two years of college I still didn't even know who Vera Bradley was (apparently it's a brand) or the meaning of the term monogram. Apparently it's a trend to have every piece of fabric you owned embroidered with your initials, like in case you forget which backpack or jacket is yours or something... I probably shouldn't mention that at first I thought it was strange how much sorority girls talked about getting annual breast exams... Then I figured out that's mammogram not "monogram". Common misconception... Right? 

Anyway, I had heard many of these terms throughout my time at school but I really didn't plan on actually learning the importance or meaning of them, let alone joining of one of these organizations that popularizes them. But since when does my plan ever really work out anyway?

It's all about Him and His plan. He will pull us out of our comfort zones again and again and just when we think we're where we need to be, He will yank us again. Not for the sake of jerking us around, but for the sake of using us to further His kingdom and allowing us to put our full trust in Him. We grow to love Him more and more when His faithfulness is revealed and we give Him all our trust. When we understand that our entire meaning and purpose rests in Him, we will only be fulfilled when we follow the things He set us on this earth to do- both big and small things. 

Sometimes from what our limited minds can see & understand it doesn't seem to make much sense and we often go through storms or discomforts to see His plans unravel. It may seem strange or even dangerous. But like He says in the oh so cliche and famous verse in Jeremiah, His plan is not to harm us but to prosper us. He sees the whole picture. He has our whole lives, our whole futures in His hands. 

In a few short paragraphs, Oswald Chambers says it better than I can when speaking on the idea of obedience & following Gods plan in My Utmost & His Highest: 


We don't really have much control on either the process or the outcome, although like my man Chambers said, it is not about the outcome. I have to remember that taking the risk and moving into a sorority is not the end goal, I haven't been led, chose to say okay, and then just plopped there as God brushes His hands off like, "okay, good, we're done here." Nor is there really an "end goal" of this. It requires constant obedience throughout the entire process in big ways and small ways. He is glorified through the decision we make daily to know Him and make Him known in every action. When May comes and I move out for the summer, sure a lot of His plan will have unraveled and revealed over the course of the year, but that doesn't mean there will be this big epiphany or moment where the goal has been met. It is ongoing, more of His plan will be revealed and put into action the more we are willing, the more we say "yes". God is glorified through the process, through His plan in action. 

He has the control over it, over everything. If this is true then why would we not put our trust in our Creator and Savior with this promise? Well, usually because we like to feel like we have control, we like to be comfortable, and we have doubting & prideful hearts. Shaking those things that we cling to can be the most difficult thing to do. Fear of the unknown is something I've experienced time and time again. It's incredible how we can be so calmed by God's grace when we just give it to Him by saying yes. When it no longer becomes about what WE should do or can do, but about what HE can do through us and about what He can reveal  to us.

I believe that He put it in my heart to take the risk of joining an organization coined a "sorority" comprised of a group of women, all with different stories, all beautiful in all different ways, all His children. He saw the value that it could have for me when I was caught up in being skeptical of the stereotype. I'm confident that He has a lot in store to teach me through this experience and I know that He will continue to provide me the strength and grace to press on, as well as use me for His work as long as I work to follow the examples of all those in Scripture who were just willing to say "yes" with an open heart and mind.

Greek life can definitely be a dangerous battle ground when it comes to trying to stand strong in the faith. But so was the battle ground David fought Goliath on, as were many other circumstances and journeys God led countless great figures in the Scriptures to. He leads us where He needs His love and work to be done, and to where His plan can unfold. He doesn't promise that we will feel comfortable with it. But then where would trust come in if we did? 

I was apprehensive about this whole idea but by His goodness He has placed me into a wonderful group of young women and a chapter that is full of new blessings and experiences that He will use both to teach me and encourage me in my walk, as well as use me as a vessel to encourage others.

This experience will surely come with challenges and discouragements, but I am also sure that it will come with many encouragements, increased fellowship and love, and growth for the better. 

I am already beginning to develop great friendships and fellowships with both nonbelievers and believers and I'm eager to see what beautiful relationships develop throughout this process. 

All in all I'm excited for this new grand adventure. For the fun and friendships it will bring, for the growth I will inevitably encounter, and for the opportunity to just love more of His people. Each one of my sisters is a child of God and each one is so incredibly special.

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask The Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His field."
~Matthew 9:37

My prayer is that throughout this year I will be able to do His work with the support and fellowship of the beautiful group of women around me in whichever ways He sees fit, both inside & outside of the walls of the beautiful home I will dwell in. 

Here's to a new adventure! 

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