Monday, August 25, 2014

First day of school!

The first day of school is always fun and exciting. It kind of serves as a marker for the start of new opportunities to learn new things, new adventures, new people, new classes, the list goes on. 

It's one hundred percent necessary to capture this big day, especially when you realize the number of "first days of school" you have left are dwindling quickly. So, obviously we  got some shots of this big day. (It's the big guy's last ever first day of school, and I only have one more left. *tear*) 

Still a couple of kids at heart ;)

This day is always kinda neat in that it's like a new start. It's also neat because it means that daily campus coffee shop runs to truly embrace the college white girl lifestyle are once again a thing. How blissful. You really probably don't even realize how blissful this really is. So pictures to illustrate may be necessary.
See? Bliss. 
Ok I'm being dramatic and slightly sarcastic. 

Anyway, besides that little college luxury, each new school year holds new blessings as well as challenges that bring so much growth. 

To look forward to the upcoming days is like waiting to open a Christmas present. It's beautifully wrapped and we know it holds a surprise. The anticipation for that coming surprise(s) that we slowly see as we begin to unwrap is similar to the feelings at the beginning of a new phase in life, such as the start of a new school year. We start to see glimpses of His plan and of the coming challenges as each day passes, as we open the package a bit more each day. It's pretty stinkin' awesome! 

Sidenote: as a perfect example to the lovely little surprises that life brings as we unwrap each day, Matt surprised me this evening with beautiful flowers to end the first day of school :)
Whatta sweetie!

Ok back on track: 

I think that the ability to continue education each year is a huge blessing, even though isometimes through the stresses it can bring it doesn't always feel like a blessing. God places us in each stage of life, whether that is college, work, parenthood, etc., for a bigger purpose than we usually see. He has such an awesome plan, it's so incredible to see Him work and to see it play out day by day. Even on the days that life is tough or we question the power of His great plan when things don't go our way, He is working and preparing us for the coming stages of life and the coming eternal life. It is so crucial to keep both open minds and hearts to His love and His word each moment of life. In each moment of growth, through each annoying project, through each encouragement and accomplishment to each discouragement and failure. Sometimes this seems near impossible as our human pride and lack of understanding often get in the way. But consciously putting Him first in each day's activities and just acknowledging His goodness, His grace, and His presence in all we do makes for a joyful and peaceful life, even through hardships. True faith is remaining faithful through the quiet times, through the times we feel most distant from God through discouragement, shame, exhaustion, etc. 

As life zips along and as more "first days of school" pass, I want to consciously be growing in His love and in His callings for my life without losing sight of this through all the distractions the days can bring. In little moments and in the big picture, He is always working. 

And life does fly by. It really does. I feel like I was just one of the many lost speed walking freshmen with navigating around campus with a frantic look on my face, the classic lanyard, and campus map in hand. And now I'm doing this for the third time like it's the easiest thing next to breathing. It's crazy how quickly the days pass and how much He blesses us with each day. 

Life is such an incredible gift, I want to embrace every moment and every person He brings into it this year. That will undoubtedly be easier said than done, but my goal is to pursue this indefinitely, even through discouragement. 

He is so good. He is love, beauty, goodness, and so incredibly awesome. The least I can do is seek Him each day, know Him and make Him known to the best of my ability, although I am an imperfect person without the wisdom or understanding of how to a always best go about this. He will grant the graces and necessary. 

"Preach daily, if necessary, use words." 


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